Sunday, July 11, 2010

Convolution Pixel Shader

What is convolution ? Simply speaking convolution is weighted sum of pixel values around target pixel. If those weights are put into vector W and pixel values around x,y are put in vector P, then in linear algebra terms convolution at x,y is nothing more than dot product of vectors W,P. More precisely:

Convolution(x,y) = (W*P)/denominator + offset

This W vector is called kernel. (Also formula can be re-written for matrix case, in that case W and P would be matrix). So by using different kernels we could achieve different image convolution effects. Several common convolution kernels:

Gaussian Blur kernel

1., 2., 1.,
2., 4., 2.,
1., 2., 1.

Sharpness kernel

-1., -1., -1.,
-1., 9., -1.,
-1., -1., -1.

Edge detection kernel

-1./8., -1./8., -1./8.,
-1./8., 1., -1./8.,
-1./8., -1./8., -1./8.

Emboss kernel

2., 0., 0.,
0., -1., 0.,
0., 0., -1.

Now, GLSL pixel shader code which performs convolution with all these kernels =>

#version 150

uniform sampler2D Texture0;

vec4 get_pixel(in vec2 coords, in float dx, in float dy) {
return texture2D(Texture0,coords + vec2(dx, dy));

float Convolve(in float[9] kernel, in float[9] matrix,
in float denom, in float offset) {
float res = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<9; i++) {
res += kernel[i]*matrix[i];
return clamp(res/denom + offset,0.0,1.0);

float[9] GetData(in int channel) {
float dxtex = 1.0 / float(textureSize(Texture0,0));
float dytex = 1.0 / float(textureSize(Texture0,0));
float[9] mat;
int k = -1;
for (int i=-1; i<2; i++) {
for(int j=-1; j<2; j++) {
mat[k] = get_pixel(gl_TexCoord[0].xy,float(i)*dxtex,
return mat;

float[9] GetMean(in float[9] matr, in float[9] matg, in float[9] matb) {
float[9] mat;
for (int i=0; i<9; i++) {
mat[i] = (matr[i]+matg[i]+matb[i])/3.;
return mat;

void main(void)
float[9] kerEmboss = float[] (2.,0.,0.,
0., -1., 0.,
0., 0., -1.);

float[9] kerSharpness = float[] (-1.,-1.,-1.,
-1., 9., -1.,
-1., -1., -1.);

float[9] kerGausBlur = float[] (1.,2.,1.,
2., 4., 2.,
1., 2., 1.);

float[9] kerEdgeDetect = float[] (-1./8.,-1./8.,-1./8.,
-1./8., 1., -1./8.,
-1./8., -1./8., -1./8.);

float matr[9] = GetData(0);
float matg[9] = GetData(1);
float matb[9] = GetData(2);
float mata[9] = GetMean(matr,matg,matb);

// Sharpness kernel
//gl_FragColor = vec4(Convolve(kerSharpness,matr,1.,0.),
// Convolve(kerSharpness,matg,1.,0.),
// Convolve(kerSharpness,matb,1.,0.),1.0);

// Gaussian blur kernel
//gl_FragColor = vec4(Convolve(kerGausBlur,matr,16.,0.),
// Convolve(kerGausBlur,matg,16.,0.),
// Convolve(kerGausBlur,matb,16.,0.),1.0);

// Edge Detection kernel
//gl_FragColor = vec4(Convolve(kerEdgeDetect,mata,0.1,0.),
// Convolve(kerEdgeDetect,mata,0.1,0.),
// Convolve(kerEdgeDetect,mata,0.1,0.),1.0);

// Emboss kernel
gl_FragColor = vec4(Convolve(kerEmboss,mata,1.,1./2.),


What's left ? Results of course :)
Here is original image

convolution with Gaussian Blur kernel

convolution with Sharpness kernel

convolution with Edge detection kernel

convolution with Emboss kernel


  1. awesome, thanks a lot!

  2. I get an Syntax error : Array size must appear after variable name !!
    Any help please !?
    Thank you.

  3. I worked with shaders some time ago. If you run this with GLSLES (on ios for example) - it can be that glsl es version don't supports array initialization. So in that case statements like:
    float[9] kerEmboss = float[] (2.,0.,0.,
    0., -1., 0.,
    0., 0., -1.);
    should be rewritten like:
    float[9] kerEmboss;
    kerEmboss[0]= 2.0;
    kerEmboss[1]= 0.0;
    kerEmboss[2]= 0.0;
    kerEmboss[3]= 0.0;
    kerEmboss[4]= -1.0;
    kerEmboss[5]= 0.0;
    kerEmboss[6]= 0.0;
    kerEmboss[7]= 0.0;
    kerEmboss[8]= -1.0;
    Hope that helps ! Check this link also - it may help:


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